Loading Dock
Loading Dock hours are:
Monday through Friday: | 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. |
Weekends and Lease holidays: | Closed |
The Loading Dock for 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue is located on the northeast side of the building. Delivery access is through the entrance located on 10th Street, NW, between E Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.
The Loading Dock is available at other times through coordination with the Property Management Office. There is a 15-minute unloading period for vehicles using the Loading Dock unless specifically coordinated with Property Management Office. This unloading period will be strictly enforced.
Deliveries requiring more than 15 minutes and bulk deliveries must be scheduled to occur after 2:00 p.m. Large deliveries must be coordinated with the Property Management Office at least two business days in advance.
All delivery personnel, including messenger services, will enter and egress the building through the Loading Dock and will sign in and out at the Loading Dock Security booth. The Officer on Duty will then route all deliveries to their destination.
Please remind all vendors that all deliveries are to be made via the Loading Dock and service elevator. Vendors that enter the lobby will be redirected to the Loading Dock.
Clearance Height - 13'5"
Clearance Depth - 54'2"